Since 2019, Substance has led a consortium of partners including Sheffield Hallam University, to conduct a system change impact and process evaluation of GM Moving and the Greater Manchester Local Pilot. Greater Manchester Moving is the ‘comprehensive plan to reduce inactivity and increase participation in physical activity and sport that is aligned to the Greater Manchester Population Health Plan priority themes and wider reform agenda’. The Sport England Local Pilot work forms an important strand of the implementation of GM Moving and will test and explore what it takes to secure population scale change in physical activity behaviour. The evaluation runs between 2019-2025.
Related to the GM Local Pilot work, Substance also conducted in-depth research on physical activity integration across Greater Manchester ‘s evolving Integrated Care System. This work connected previous evaluation insights to key practical recommendations to support the integration of physical activity and mapped cross-sectoral networks and working relationships in the health and care landscape.
• Theory of Change
• Impact frameworks
• Impact tool development
• System change theory development
• Data analysis (statistical, exploratory, descriptive) and visualisation
• Participant observation
• Building evaluative capacity (e.g., reflective practice, sensemaking, communities of practice)
• Documentary and strategic reviews
• Qualitative (content, thematic)
• Mapping data, systems, networks
•Analysis of external or supplementary datasets, such as population or organisational data
• Infographic reports and other data visualisation
• Provision of raw and statistical datasets
• Presentation decks
• Mapping