Substance is committed to ensuring that good governance is applied throughout all aspects of our business.
As well as adhering to ISO 27001 standards, we strive to ensure that are governing systems and processes are transparent, incorporating strategic planning, risk management and performance management.
To demonstrate our commitment to good governance, we have created a Governance Statement that encompasses our responsibilities, decision making processes and company policies.
Our Values
Be Useful
We do what we do because we want every organisation we work with to be as effective as possible. We make sure that the technology products we create and the research insights we deliver have a practical application and provide a genuinely useful roadmap for organisations to understand and improve what they do.
Be Human
Data and technology are only ever one part of the story. It’s the people behind it that really matter. We take an individual approach to every project, working on the ground to understand each organisation and the people involved in it. Our technology products and research insights come from and make a difference in the world in which our clients work.
Be Inclusive
We want as many organisations as possible to access the benefits of better data and better insights. We create technology products that are simple to use and to train others in their use. We produce reports that are straightforward to understand and interpret. We work with other organisations to increase awareness and understanding of data and research and of their role in raising the game of the sector.
Be Interesting
Data and research can be the greatest asset an organisation has. We want to make the process of managing, understanding, and using data and research insights an interesting and rewarding experience for everyone. This means making our technology products and our reports interesting and engaging to use, and being interesting and engaging people to work with.
Thank you
The directors would like to take this opportunity to thank staff and shareholders for their continued hard work and commitment.