Extra Time is a programme developed by the Scottish FA and Scottish Government to provide organised term time and holiday activity for primary school age children. Currently, 31 Scottish football clubs and trusts deliver the programme. An online form is completed by clubs quarterly to monitor and evaluate the programme.
England Boxing Report in association with Sport England's Together Fund, England Boxing held nine club development days around England as part [...]
Year two saw the continuation of the Curiosity Programme. The Curiosity model uses youth sector organisations to deliver projects with informal [...]
Recreational sea angling is an important recreational activity in the United Kingdom with around 1.6% of adults participating and a total [...]
Sea angling is a popular activity in the UK that has social and economic benefits, but can also impact on fish [...]
Financial education does not sit on the primary school national curriculum. An Inquiry into Financial Education Delivery in Schools1 concluded that [...]
Extra Time is a programme developed by the Scottish FA and Scottish Government to provide organised term time and holiday activity for primary school age children. Currently, 31 Scottish football clubs and trusts deliver the programme. An online form is completed by clubs quarterly to monitor and evaluate the programme.