Credit where credit is due

At the beginning of 2017, one of our clients captured our attention and we felt that it was only right to make this known! It goes without saying that this organisation caught our eye for good reasons.

We’d first like to recognise the commitment that Survivors Manchester* shows to using Views. We’re not only delighted that they find the system useful to measure their data but are happy to hear that they’re delivering so much impactful work as to make this regular use a requirement.

A voluntary organisation

Survivors Manchester is a voluntary organisation. Led and run by Survivors themselves, the organisation aims to empower male survivors of sexual abuse and rape to make their own positive life choices and begin their journey towards healing. Dedicated to placing its service users and their unique needs at the centre of all support services, Survivors Manchester has seen huge success in enabling hundreds of clients to achieve positive outcomes.

Over the past week, more than 80% of the staff have logged in to Views and recorded information. In addition to this, the large volume of data that can and is being recorded showcases how Views can support an organisation this active. This year alone they’ve completed more than 300 questionnaires and have had over 150 unique attendances to their 1000+ delivered sessions!

Survivors Manchester can now use Views to report in line with IAPT guidelines, thanks to the integration of bespoke forms and reports into the system. Following our development of this feature for Survivors, we can now offer the same to other organisations that require an IAPT reporting system.

Duncan Craig, Survivors’ Chief Executive Officer, says:

“As a small charity, it is so important for us to be able to evidence the engagement in our services and the impact the services are having on the clients that use them. Like most charities, our activities are vast and varied and so having one system that can capture all this is vital to ensure data isn’t lost in between systems. When we began our year-long transition to becoming IAPT compliant, the key stumbling block for us is finding a system that can collect data and produce reports in the way that the NHS need them, whilst also allowing us to continue to run our other non-IAPT services. In adopting VIEWS as our system we have been able to meet the challenges of reporting whilst also being able to get useful information for our clients.

Andy and the team have held our hand along the way and whilst we still have some development to do to ensure that the system fully fits our needs, the flexibility of the design of VIEWS gives us what we need and want. VIEWS has enabled us to deliver the required data reporting to grow as a service. We have recommended it to many of our colleagues and looking forward to future developments”

If you are an IAPT provider and would like to use Views for IAPT reporting, please get in touch with us to discuss this further. 0161 244 5418

* You can find more information about Survivors Manchester on their website

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