A new National Angling Strategy has been launched to encourage wider participation in the sport by focusing on new audiences and the health and well-being benefits that angling can bring.

The National Angling Strategy

(2019-2024) was launched on June 20th 2019 by Environment Agency Chair Emma Howard Boyd, with members of the angling community at Get Hooked on Fishing’s Northala Fields venue in Northolt, West London.

The strategy will be implemented by a new partnership body – the National Angling Strategy Partnership Board, coordinated by the Angling Trust with representatives from the Environment Agency, Canal and River Trust, Angling Trades Association and Get Hooked on Fishing. The board will be responsible for delivering the strategy as well as securing the additional funding needed to deliver on the strategy’s aims and objectives.

The strategy was researched and written by Adam Brown, Head of Research at Substance after widespread consultation with the angling community and using feedback from the National Angling Survey 2018 which engaged 35,000 anglers. The responses included the need to make better information available on where and how to fish and the need to emphasise the health, well-being and environmental benefits of participation in recreational fishing.

You can download the strategy here: Angling for Good Report

A summary report is available here: Angling for Good Summary

Survey Report – Coming Soon.

– Dr Adam Brown, Substance

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