Ambition is a leading national youth charity which has been providing opportunities for young people for over 90 years, through 3,000 youth clubs and community projects. But despite its long heritage, the team is constantly looking forward, developing new programmes, partnerships and provision designed to improve outcomes for young people..
The Challenge
As a membership organisation, Ambition wanted to be able to better demonstrate their collective impact – to commissioners, funders and their members. Central to this was the need for better quality data and a consistent approach across the membership with how data is collected and measured.
How we helped
We have worked with Ambition to help them think about how they collect their data, measure outcomes and evidence the impact of the work they do through their programmes. As a result Ambition are now using a range of tools, including pre and post questionnaires to measure behavioural changes of young people accessing their programmes and they have started to develop Theories of Change for their programmes to help identify how activities lead to short and long term outcomes. Using Views to collect this data has helped them demonstrate the great work they do and the positive impact this has on the young people their programmes support.